Wheat Spray Programme - Diseases

The main difference between the programmes illustrated above is the choice of iblon formulation applied at GS39.
VIMOY iblon is a solo formulation of a powerful, SDHI fungicide called isoflucypram, or ISY for short. Designed to be used in mixture with a partner DMI fungicide, the addition of Prosaro is ideal.
CALEY iblon is a ready mixed co-formulation of SDHI + DMI fungicide. In this case isoflucypram plus prothioconazole and is designed to control speckled leaf blotch, stripe rust and leaf rust in a convenient, ease-of-use manner.
Prosaro is a dual-DMI fungicide which provides broad spectrum curative and preventative control of all major diseases of wheat. By combining two complimentary DMI fungicides, prothioconazole and tebuconazole, it attacks the fungus in different parts of the enzyme chain. It is designed to be used in mixture with a fungicide with a different mode of action such as an SDHI fungicide e.g. VIMOY iblon, a strobilurin fungicide or with Phoenix or Questar.
Key points
- It is important to maintain a spray interval of between 25-28 days between fungicide applications. If the interval is greater than 28 days disease control will be compromised.
- The use of SDHI fungicides is limited to 2 on any cereal crop. These programmes only apply a single SDHI fungicide and so can be applied even if a SDHI seed treatment has been used.
- The structure of wheat varieties is such that the upper two leaves and the ear account for the majority of the crop’s yield. Therefore, applying a robust fungicide at GS39, and again at GS60-65, is very important.
Spray programme for high yielding winter wheat crops

This programme applies an additional SDHI fungicide, CALEY iblon, at GS60-65 (full ear emergence and flowering). This is designed to retain maximum green leaf area and is targeted at high yielding crops under irrigation.
Please note only two applications of a SDHI fungicide should be used in a fungicide programme.