Crop | Diseases Controlled |
Summerfruit | Brown rot |
Product Type | Fungicide |
Active Ingredient | Tebuconazole 250 g/kg |
Formulation Type | Water dispersible granule |
Pack Size | 2 kg |
Application Rate/Timing | Use 40 g/100 L water or a minimum of 800 g/ha. Apply in a regular blossom programme from pink to shuck fall inclusive. Thereafter apply alternative non-DMI fungicides through until harvest or apply 2 - 3 sprays at 7 - 10 day intervals in the period prior to harvest. When used pre-harvest use alternative non-DMI fungicides earlier in the season. Apply a maximum of 3 applications, preferably with non-DMI fungicides over the pink to shuck fall period, or alternatively over the pre-harvest period. Apply alternative non-DMI fungicides at other times. |
Withholding Period | Summerfruit: 1 day |
Compatibility | Folicur®WG is compatible with commonly-used insecticides and fungicides. Do not use with alkaline material such a Bordeaux mixture and lime sulphur. |
Mixing | Pour Folicur®WG in the spray tank with agitators running. |
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Folicur WG
Folicur WG is a systemic fungicide for the control of brown rot in stone fruit.
Crop Suitability & Usage