Susie Dalgety
Originally from a sheep and beef farm in the Rangitikei, Susie advises on crop protection products for everything from beets and cereals to grapes and apples.
Her key focus is using the best chemistry and providing a service that adds value.
Susie joined Bayer in September 2020 and has a Bachelor of Agricultural Science with Plant Science Honours from Lincoln University.
Her experience includes a project on designing pasture mixtures that investigated how species composition and abundance in pasture affects the amount and quality of feed produced.
Susie has worked as a technical field advisor and has on-farm practical experience shepherding on hill-country stations.
She has also published an agronomy society paper on the effects of seed treatments on germination and growth of maize in the field.
Susie enjoys meeting people that share the same passion for agriculture and primary industries; and knows the importance of building strong relationships and fostering existing relationships.