- Prosaro is the ideal fungicide for wheat controlling all of the main diseases - Septoria leaf blotch, stripe rust, leaf rust and ear diseases. Together with VIMOY iblon, Prosaro allows fungicide programmes to be devised for all wheat crops.
- Prosaro is an easy-to-use, ready mixed fungicide containing two different DMI fungicides. These are combined in the ideal ratio to help slow down the development of Septoria tritici intolerance to DMI fungicides.
- Prosaro is very convenient with just one dose rate for use on all wheat varieties.

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Prosaro - the dual DMI fungicide for broad spectrum disease control in wheat, barley and ryegrass seed crops.
Crop Suitability & Usage
Crop | Diseases Controlled |
Wheat | Septoria tritici, stripe rust, leaf rust, powdery mildew, glume-blotch, ear disease complex |
Barley | Scald, net blotch, spot blotch, ramularia leaf spot, leaf rust, ear disease complex |
Ryegrass Seed Crops | Crown rust, stem rust, blind seed disease |
Product Type | Fungicide |
Active Ingredient | Prothioconazole 125 g/l Tebuconazole 125 g/l |
Formulation Type | Emulsifiable concentrate |
Pack Size | 10L |
Application Rate/Timing | Wheat Diseases: Septoria tritici, Stripe Rust, Leaf rust, Powdery mildew, Glume-blotch, Ear disease complex Apply 1.0 L/ha on the first sign of disease. Should disease pressure persist or reinfection occurs, a further application may be required 3 - 4 weeks later. To control ear disease complex apply to fully emerged ears. Apply in at least 200 L of water per hectare by ground or in 50 L of water per hectare when aerially applied. Use high water volumes in dense or advanced crops especially under dry weather conditions Barley Diseases: Scald, Net blotch, Spot blotch, Ramularia leaf spot, Leaf rust, Ear disease complex Apply 1.0 L/ha on the first sign of disease. Should disease pressure persist or reinfection occurs, a further application may be required 3 - 4 weeks later. To control ear disease complex apply to fully emerged ears. Apply in at least 200 L of water per hectare by ground or in 50 L water per hectare when aerially applied. Use high water volumes in dense or advanced crops especially under dry weather conditions. Ryegrass Seed Crops Diseases: Crown rust, Stem rust, Blind seed disease Apply 1.0 L/ha on the first sign of disease. Should disease pressure persist or reinfection occurs, a further application may be required 3 - 4 weeks later. To control blind disease apply at the start of flowering with a second application 10 - 14 days later. Apply in at least 200 L of water per hectare by ground or in 50 L of water per hectare if aerially applied. Use high water volumes in dense or advanced crops especially under dry weather conditions. |
Withholding Period | Cereals (grain): 56 days Cereals (forage): 42 days Ryegrass (seed): 30 days Ryegrass (forage): 35 days |
Compatibility | Prosaro is compatible with commonly-used herbicides and insecticides. |
Mixing | Half fill the spray tank with water, then pour in the required quantity of Prosaro® with agitators running, then top up with water. Do not pre-mix. |
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VIMOY iblon + Prosaro iGuide for Barley

VIMOY iblon + Prosaro iGuide for Wheat

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Septoria Leaf Blotch
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source of infection is spores from infected crop debris with first infections taking place from March to May. Following infection the fungus develops within the leaf until sporulating lesions appear. The key identification feature during winter is the presence of black pycnidia. Later in the year the lesions also tend to become stripe like. The disease undergoes multiple cycles within a crop.

Powdery Mildew - Wheat
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Rhynchosporium secalis
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debris. The first symptoms often appear during winter or early spring, initially as pale greyish lesions which then develop a more straw coloured appearance with a defined dark edge to the lesion.

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give the disease its common name but lesions can also take the form of dark stripes and streaks and when infection is severe in large dead areas of leaf. Infection sources are either seed or crop debris, which is borne out by second year barley crops being likely to carry infection. Net blotch development is favoured by cool, moist conditions.

Ramularia Leaf Spot
Ramularia collo-cygni
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usually greater on winter planted crops. Ramularia is seed borne and once the fungus has infected the plant it grows within the plant, not producing visible symptoms until around ear emergence. Symptoms consist of small brown lesions which under the right conditions can rapidly increase and coalesce together.

Leaf Rust - Barley
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Leaf Rust - Wheat
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source of inoculum being infected volunteer cereals. Under favourable conditions stripe rust can develop very quickly forming disease foci surrounding the initial infection source. At first spores tend to be scattered on the leaf but on more mature leaves they show the typical stripe arrangement which gives the fungus its common name. Occasionally stripe rust can infect the ear.