- Nortron safely controls a range of competing weeds in beet crops, e.g. annual poa, shepherd's purse, spurrey.
- Nortron is the brand leader, known and trusted by New Zealand farmers for many years.
- Based on non-ALS chemistry Nortron allows a break from using ALS herbicides in paddocks and is an important part of weed control husbandry.

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Nortron is the first choice for early weed control in fodder beet and red beet, barley grass control in pasture and annual poa control in turf ryegrass.
Crop Suitability & Usage
Crop | Fodder beet, red beet (beetroot), turf ryegrass and pasture |
Weeds controlled | Grass and broad-leaved weeds – see label for details |
Product type | Herbicide - Group N |
Active ingredient | Ethofumesate 500 g/L |
Formulation type | Suspension concentrate |
Pack size | 5L and 20L |
Application rate/timing | Fodder Beet Pre-emergence of crop and weeds - apply 2.0 – 3.0 L/ha Post-emergence of the crop and weeds – apply 2.0 L/ha in mixture with Betanal Forte 1.5 L/ha from the 2 true leaves fully developed growth stage of the crop. Apply to weeds between cotyledon to 2 true leaf stage and again 10-14 days later. Pasture Apply 4.0 L/ha for the control of barley grass. Red Beet (Beetroot) Pre-sowing or pre-emergence of the crop and weeds – apply 3-4 L/ha Post-emergence of the crop and weeds - apply 4.0 L/ha to weeds between cotyledon to 2 true leaf stage. Turf ryegrass Apply 4.0 L/ha for the control of annual poa. A repeat application can be made 6-8 weeks later if required. |
Mixing | Add the required amount to the partly-filled spray tank with the agitator operating. Complete filling tank with water and use immediately, maintaining agitation until spraying is complete. Use only clean water which is above 5 ºC temperature. Do not add surfactants. |
Application volume | Apply a spray volume of 200 - 300 I/ha and as a fine spray droplet. |
Compatibility | Before mixing Nortron with other crop protection products, check to ensure that this will not negatively affect product efficacy and crop safety. |
Withholding period | Pasture: Do not graze stock on treated areas for 28 days after spraying. Fodder Beet: Do not graze stock on treated areas for 56 days after spraying. |
Following crops and crop failure | No restrictions |