Daniel Suddaby
Daniel looks after a territory that stretches from Invercargill to Oamaru. It’s a part of New Zealand that includes some extreme crop growing conditions in terms of soil type and climate.
All require a high level of contact and product knowledge to help get the most out of the varied crops grown in those conditions.
Daniel works closely with merchant reps and growers to get the best outcomes for them and the best out of Bayer products.
Arable crops and fodder beet are a big focus, but the horticultural industry is also important.
For Daniel, it’s about informing merchants, farmers and growers about the latest innovations coming out of the Bayer stable and ensuring this new technology is the best fit with their farming operations.
Having been with Bayer since 2012, Daniel has earlier experience with a grain and seed merchant in North Otago.
This has helped him develop an intimate knowledge of crop demands and what the most effective controls and treatments are for getting the most out of crops.