Serenade Optimum
Serenade Optimum

Serenade Optimum

Serenade Optimum is a bio-fungicide/bactericide to aid in the control and suppression of powdery mildew and botrytis and sour rot in grapes, fireblight in pipfruit, botrytis on berryfruit, kiwifruit, persimmons and onions, and various diseases on avocados, citrus, lettuce and turf. Serenade Optimum is a new improved formulation to replace Serenade Max.

Serenade Optimum is a higher concentrated (2 x strength) formulation that is easier to use.

  • Benefits

  • Crop Suitability & Usage

  • Resources

  • Lower use rate - half that of Serenade Max.

  • Improved flowablility and less dust.

  • Reduced deposits on crops.

  • Improved bio-availability of naturally produced chemistries.

  • Flexible application timings.

Serenade Optimum is suitable for use in organic production systems and has BioGro certification. Serenade Optimum has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial activity. Additionally it also stimulates natural plant defence mechanisms and has demonstrated increased plant growth effects. Serenade Optimum is exempt from residues and has zero days withholding periods.

Serenade Optimum contains a unique strain of Bacillus subtilis (QST 713 strain).

Pack size 5 kg.

Please download the product label for full usage guidelines.
Crop Diseases Controlled
Apples & Pears Fireblight
Avocados Anthracnose
Citrus Botrytis, Anthracnose, Greasy spot, Melanose 
Grapes Grey mould, Powdery mildew, Sour rot
Kiwifruit Botrytis 
Lettuce Sclerotinia minor
Ornamentals Botrytis & Downy mildew 
Persimmon Botrytis 
Strawberries and Berry Fruit Botrytis 
Onions Botrytis & Downy mildew 
Product Type Fungicide
Active Ingredient Bacillus subtilis (QST 713 strain) not less than 1.46x1010 cfu/g
Formulation Type Wettable powder
Pack Size 5 kg
Application Rate/Timing Apples & Pears
Disease: Fireblight
Make the first application up to 5% blossom and apply 125 - 250 g/100 L (or 1.25 - 2.5 kg/ha) following a streptomycin application to minimise disease resistance to antibiotics. Under severe disease infection periods, repeat applications may be made at 3 - 7 day intervals, using the longer interval after petal fall. The addition of a suitable adjuvant (eg Du-Wett) is recommended.

For more information on using Serenade Optimum in apples and pears go to "Use in Apples for Fireblight" in the downloads section

Disease: Anthracnose

Apply 100 g/100 L in a tank mixture with the lowest rate of a copper-based fungicide, or 150 g/100 L alone over flowering.

Disease: Botrytis

Use 1.25 - 2.0 kg/ha or 125 - 200 g/100 L in sufficient water to ensure complete coverage of plants and flower parts. Apply at 50% flowering and repeat at 7 - 10 day intervals if disease conditions persist. Ensure high volume application with surfactant for coverage.

Disease: Anthracnose 

Apply 1.25 - 2.0 kg/ha or 125 - 200 g/100 L to ensure complete coverage of plants and flower parts at monthly intervals from early flowering to harvest.

Disease: Greasy spot 

Use 1.25 - 2.0 kg/ha or 125 - 200 g/100 L to ensure complete coverage. For suppression, begin applications at first leafy flush, and repeat at later flushes. Include spray oil in tank mixture. Can also be tank mixed with other fungicides including copper-based ones.

Disease: Melanose 

Use 1.25 - 2.0 kg/ha or 125 - 200 g/100 L in sufficient water from to ensure complete coverage of plants and flower parts from petal fall and repeat at 14 - 21 day intervals.

Disease: Grey mould, Powdery mildew, Sour rot 

Use 1.25 - 2.0 kg/ha or 125 - 200 g/100 L in sufficient water to ensure complete coverage of plants and flower parts. Serenade Optimum can be used all season particularly in organic crops. Use no more than two applications back to back without alternating with other products. Under high pressure in conventional blocks use the best available alternatives at critical timings 80% cap fall and bunch closure. Serenade Optimum can be used later in the season as it has nil residues and no withholding period restrictions. Two strategically timed applications of Serenade Optimum are recommended at 4 - 5 weeks from harvest and again one week from harvest.

For more information on using Serenade Optimum in grapes go to the FAQ document in the downloads

Disease: Botrytis 
Use 1.25 - 2.0 kg/ha or 125 - 200 g/100 L when disease conditions are conducive to infection at late flowering to early fruit set and immediately pre-harvest. Under heavy disease pressure, use in a spray program with other fungicides. May give suppression of sclerotinia.

Disease: Sclerotinia minor 
Use 1.25 - 2.0 kg/ha or 125 - 200 g/100 L. Apply as a soil drench immediately before or after transplanting or seedling crop emergence. Repeat as necessary before crop coverage of the soil and alternate with another fungicide for greater disease control spectrum. Does not control sclerotiorum.

Diseases: Botrytis & Downy mildew 
Apply 1.25 - 2.0 kg/ha or 125 - 200 g/100 L in sufficient water to ensure complete coverage of plants and flower parts at the first sign of disease and repeat at 7 - 10 day intervals.

Disease: Botrytis 
Use 1.25 - 2.0 kg/ha or 125 - 200 g/100 L. Apply over flowering and repeat at 7 - 10 day intervals if disease conditions persist.

Strawberries and Berry Fruit
Disease: Botrytis 
Use 1.25 - 2.0 kg/ha or 125 - 200 g/100 L in sufficient water to ensure complete coverage of plants from early flowering and during harvest at 10 - 14 day intervals if disease conditions persist. Include a wetting agent and repeat in a program of alternation with other fungicides.

Diseases: Botrytis & Downy mildew 

Use 1.25 - 2.0 kg/ha or 125 - 200 g/100 L in sufficient water to ensure complete coverage of plants and flower parts. As part of a program, apply pre-harvest for the moderate control and suppression of diseases.
Compatibility Do NOT combine Serenade Optimum in the spray tank with pesticides, surfactants, copper-based products or fertilisers unless prior experience has shown the combination to be compatible. Any tank combinations must also be tested for effectiveness on disease and selectivity to plants before use on commercial areas.

If the use of any tank mixture is desirable, a small volume of the mixcture should first be tested in a small measured volume, for physical compatibility at the dilution rates required. If this test is positive, a field test of the mixture should then be carried out on a few plants to observe effectiveness and plant safety.

Serenade Optimum Label

634 KB
  • Label

Serenade Optimum Label

Serenade Optimum SDS

217 KB
  • SDS

Serenade Optimum SDS

Serenade Optimum Haznote

48 KB
  • HazNote

Serenade Optimum Haznote

Bayer Informs Serenade Optimum

206 KB
  • Resource

Bayer Informs Serenade Optimum

Use Serenade Optimum In Grapes FAQ

358 KB
  • Crop Guide

Use Serenade Optimum In Grapes FAQ

Use in Apples for Fireblight

430 KB
  • Crop Guide

Use in Apples for Fireblight

BioGro Certificate

145 KB
  • Other

BioGro Certificate