- Alternate mode of action for rhizoctonia control – can be rotated with other fungicide groups to avoid build-up of resistant disease populations.
- Outstanding efficacy – Emesto Prime provides control of black scurf.
- Minimal translocation – keeps the product in and around the roots where it is most effective against black scurf.

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Emesto® Prime
Emesto Prime In-Furrow Fungicide is a new product that offers outstanding efficacy against black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani) to ensure top results - the perfect product for New Zealand potato farmers.
Emesto Prime will help to maximise profits for potato growers as it delivers better quality potatoes. Emesto Prime is a Group 7 fungicide and offers growers a new mode of action for the control of rhizoctonia infections which cause stem and stolon canker and black scurf of tubers. This alternative mode of action can be rotated with existing fungicide groups to decrease resistant disease population selection pressure on currently registered fungicides.
Emesto Prime In-furrow Fungicide is equivalent to the current industry standard in all aspects of rhizoctonia control.
Crop Suitability & Usage
Crop | Potatoes |
Diseases Controlled | Black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani) |
Product Type | Fungicide |
Active Ingredient | Penflufen 240 g/L (Group 7) |
Formulation Type | Flowable concentrate |
Pack Size | 5 litres |
Product Rate | 4.0 - 5.5 mL/100 m of row |
Water Rate | Apply Emesto® Prime in 1– 3 L of water/100 m of row. Ensure the water volume applied does not wash off any previously applied seed treatments. |
Application | Emesto Prime can be applied with existing infurrow
spray application equipment. Direct into the furrow at the seed as a 15-20 cm band applied just before the seed is covered. Alternatively use a 2 nozzle system spraying the furrow prior to seed drop and after it has dropped just prior to covering. |
Compatibility | Emesto Prime is compatible with Serenade® Prime. |
Withholding Period | Not required when used as directed |
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Emesto® Prime Label

Emesto® Prime SDS

Emesto® Prime HazNote