Aviator Xpro Fungicide
Aviator Xpro

Aviator Xpro

Aviator Xpro is a protective and curative high performing fungicide for use in wheat and barley which combines two complimentary fungicides, prothioconazole (DMI) and bixafen (SDHI), in a convenient ready mixed formulation. Its innovative Leafshield™ formulation ensures even leaf distribution and rapid rainfastness.

  • Benefits

  • Crop Suitability & Usage

  • Resources

  • Aviator Xpro gives excellent control of the key diseases of wheat, barley and triticale to deliver high yields and an attractive return on investment.

  • Aviator Xpro’s Leafshield formulation technology maximises the number of days when spraying is possible. Containing specially designed adjuvants, Aviator Xpro spreads evenly on the leaf, dries quickly and is rainfast once dry on the crop under most circumstances.

  • Aviator Xpro is the easy way to apply a ready-mixed formulation of both a DMI and SDHI fungicide. As well as reducing the complexity of stocking multiple fungicides – less partially used containers, less plastic waste, less risk of applying the wrong rate, it means that you are applying two modes of action in a tested ratio which helps reduce the risk of fungicide resistance developing.

  • Aviator Xpro was developed in New Zealand under our conditions by Bayer’s expert field solutions team. Together this ensures Aviator Xpro and the Bayer field team will deliver maximum value for you.
Crop Diseases Controlled
Barley Scald, net blotch, ramularia leaf spot, leaf rust
Wheat Speckled leaf blotch, stripe rust, leaf rust
Triticale Stripe rust, leaf rust
Product Type Fungicide
Active Ingredient Bixafen 75 g/L
Prothioconazole 150 g/L
Formulation Type Emulsifiable concentrate
Pack Size 10 litres
Application Rate/Timing Apply 700 ml - 1.0 L/ha in 120 L/ha water at the first signs of disease.
Re-apply 3-4 weeks later if required.
Application Method By tractor mounted hydraulic boom sprayer or by aerial application.
Water Rate 120 L/ha water by ground application or 50 L/ha by aerial application
Rainfastness Rainfast once dry on the leaf under most conditions when applied to a dry crop
Withholding Period Wheat, barley and triticale (grain): 56 days
Wheat, barley and triticale (forage): 42 days
No. Applications/Crop Maximum two per crop
Compatibility Compatible with a wide range of commonly used fungicides and insecticides
Certified Handler Not required

Aviator Xpro Label

1714 KB
  • Label

Aviator Xpro Label

Aviator Xpro SDS

257 KB
  • SDS

Aviator Xpro SDS

Aviator Xpro HazNote

56 KB
  • HazNote

Aviator Xpro HazNote

Cereal Disease iGuide

3739 KB
  • Technical Guide

Cereal Disease iGuide

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