Glume Blotch
Parastgonospora nodorum
Previously referred to as Septoria nodorum and typically referred to as glume blotch (Parastgonospora nodorum) because it is normally seen on wheat ears, the disease can infect wheat foliage when it is called leaf blotch
Leaf blotch can be identified from Zymoseptoria tritici by the lack of black pycnidia and the more oval appearance of the lesions. Glume blotch can be a problem in wet seasons and tends to give the ears a purple-brown appearance.

Related Pests

Leaf Rust - Wheat
Puccinia triticina
Leaf rust (also known as brown rust) is a common disease of wheat which can result in significant yield loss if not controlled. Leaf rust is favoured by warmer, drier conditions with the initial
source of inoculum being infected volunteer cereals. Under favourable conditions leaf rust can develop very quickly. Spores are scattered at random on the leaf and are often surrounded by a pale chlorotic halo.

Septoria Leaf Blotch
Mycosphaerella graminicola
Speckled leaf blotch (also known as septoria tritici and septoria leaf blotch) has recently become a common disease of wheat which can result in significant yield loss if not controlled. The main
source of infection is spores from infected crop debris with first infections taking place from March to May. Following infection the fungus develops within the leaf until sporulating lesions appear. The key identification feature during winter is the presence of black pycnidia. Later in the year the lesions also tend to become stripe like. The disease undergoes multiple cycles within a crop.

Stripe Rust - Wheat
Puccinia striiformis
Stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis) also known as yellow rust, is a common disease of wheat which can result in significant yield loss if not controlled. Stripe rust is favoured by cooler, moist conditions with the initial
source of inoculum being infected volunteer cereals. Under favourable conditions stripe rust can develop very quickly forming disease foci surrounding the initial infection source. At first spores tend to be scattered on the leaf but on more mature leaves they show the typical stripe arrangement which gives the fungus its common name. Occasionally stripe rust can infect the ear.