Please refer to the product label for a full list of rates, the weeds controlled by the product and other important information.
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Firebird is a pre-emergence herbicide for use in autumn and winter sown wheat and barley for the control of a wide range of key arable weeds. Weeds such as vulpia hair grass, annual poa, field pansy, speedwell and field madder. Applied before weeds have time to compete with your crops for nutrients, water and energy Firebird allows your crops to get off to the best possible start and to deliver their full yield potential.
Puma S is a post-emergence herbicide for use in wheat for the control of wild oats and lesser canary grass, for use in perennial ryegrass seed crops for the control of wild oats and for the control of yellow bristle grass in pasture.
Hussar is a post-emergence herbicide for use in wheat, durum wheat, triticale, barley and ryecorn for the control of a broad spectrum of grass and broad leaf weeds.
Othello OD is a post-emergence herbicide for use in wheat. Containing three complimentary herbicides, Othello OD delivers outstanding broad spectrum weed control. By utilising different modes of action, the risk of weed resistance occurring in your paddocks is reduced.
Sakura is a pre-emergence herbicide for use in wheat (not durum wheat) and triticale for the control of annual and perennial ryegrass, vulpia hair grass, annual poa and soft brome. In addition, Sakura will suppress ripgut brome and wild oats. As a Group K3 herbicide Sakura aids managing herbicide resistance by providing a different mode of action for ryegrass species, bromes and wild oats.
Chickweed (Stellaria media) is a widespread, very resistant weed, it is found in the North and South Island in areas of cultivated land and roadsides. Commonly seen in winter, it does not
favour drier conditions. It is a problem in small grain crops such as barley, causing up to 80% yield losses. It a low growing spreading annual (up to 40 cm) with, light green soft leaves, (lighter underneath) up to 2 cm long. The leaves are in opposite pairs on hairy stalks. Flowers are white, about 1 cm in diameter, with 5 deeply divided petals that appear to be 10 petals. Chickweed flowers and sets seeds simultaneously. The seeds are contained in green egg-shaped capsules, and one plant produces about 15,000 seeds, which remain capable of germination in the soil for up to 5 years.
Wild Oats
Avena fatua
Wild Oats (Avena fatua) Wild oats are a common and very damaging weed that can occur in many crops. Capable of germinating at any time of year, they will just as successfully grow and compete in winter cereals as in a spring planted crop like peas. Left uncontrolled wild oats will quickly grow into large, multi-tillered, competitive grass weeds. Due to their competitive nature very few plants per square metre are needed before it becomes economic to control them.
Depending upon the crop controlling 5-10 wild oats per square meter will result in an economic response. Wild oats also produce a large number of long-lived seeds, often as many as 150 per panicle with many panicles per plant. Wild oat seeds can remain viable in the soil for several years and the common saying “one year’s seeding, 7 years weeding” stands very true for wild oats. Wild oats can be successfully controlled with selective herbicides such as Puma S. However, if numbers are low hand rogueing should be undertaken if possible.
Polygonum aviculare
Wireweed (Polygonum aviculare) is a widespread annual with wiry, trailing stems that form mats up to 1 m in width. Wireweed (or wire weed) prefers to germinate in wet soils so it is problematic in winter and in spring sown crops as it can be very competitive and smother crops. Once larger than a seedling, is difficult to control, with selective herbicides in crops.